Yes, I know March has a bit more Winter in store for us. Already, we're 10 degrees cooler today, and by Friday there will be highs in the 40's. In fact, Spring hasn't officially started. But, the anticipation has me feeling giddy.
Every year I find the first few warm days of Spring truly uplifting. They are a sign of wonderful things to come. There are the simple joys like wearing shorts and setting my feet free in some sandals. Plus, I love those days in the park reading a book while enjoying the sunshine. Then there are the annual traditions that stretch into the Summer. I know at least once I'll don my bathing suit and pretend I'm ten years younger by screaming and shouting as I careen down a slide at the water park. I know I'll hop in a canoe to watch the wildlife as we float on by. I know I'll celebrate my birthday and my husband's birthday. In my eyes, both should be national holidays!
Somehow, even chores become more fun. Suddenly washing your car seems like a good idea. I've noticed neighbors are anxious to do yardwork and tend to their gardens. Walk down the street and you're sure to see someone cleaning out a garage or fixing a bicycle in the driveway. It's tolerable, even enjoyable, simply because it's a beautiful day.
There is no doubt in my mind that a healthy dose of sunshine and warm weather can lift your spirits. It works on me everytime.