When reporters, voters, and historians talk about politicians – you often hear about charisma. Maybe words like charm, energy and enthusiasm are also used. However you describe it – some political figures have a certain indescribable quality that makes the people around them look up and listen. And when they do, maybe they feel special or inspired.
Our President, Barack Obama, certainly has that quality. Not only is he a gifted orator, but he has a presence that attracts people. Former President Bill Clinton was always said to bring a certain energy to a room. I experienced that first hand at a political fundraiser here in Cincinnati. People were on the edge of their seats – the room was electric. Bill Clinton was disarming, funny and endearing.
I have to say, my experience covering politicians shows me these qualities are even more impressive in person. It must be you feed off the energy around you – because it’s a sensation you can’t quite capture through television.
I experienced this once again with the visit of the former 2008 Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin. She was in town recently signing copies of her book, “Going Rouge: An American Life.” I was on hand to cover that book signing. It was a long and tiring day that started eight hours before Ms. Palin ever arrived. Her fans had also waited in line for hours – and yet when she appeared on a staircase above the crowd, they erupted with cheers and applause. She spoke for only a few minutes, and truly, nothing impressive was said. She was thanking her fans for their time and promised a fun day. But, Sarah Palin was appealing and personable, and she got the crowd going. A chant of “Sarah…Sarah” was soon underway. And, although I admonish myself in advance for saying it….it has to be said because it’s part of her appeal. She looked attractive and fashionable. And after having their books signed – fans felt special.
I looked around the room that day, feeling swept up in the energy and at the same time, watching it wash over others. It made me marvel once again about the power of charisma.